Our team of experts can offer you a wide range of accounting and tax services to meet your specific business needs. Some of these services will be tailor-made for your business. We will help lessen your administrative burden, making you able to focus on other important business matters.

Our Accounting Services

  1. Bookkeeping business transactions.
    • We can help you to bookkeep or keep track of your business financial transactions. Bookkeeping is considered to be a crucial step in running a business because it helps you to get a clear view of your finance and is a necessary step for preparing financial statements.
  2. Accounting advisory.
    • We can offer you advices on how to implement an appropriate accounting system and a proper accounting documentation to achieve your business efficiency and meet law compliance in Thailand.
  3. Preparing financial statements.
    • We can assist you by preparing the financial statements as it is legally required in Thailand to submit the audited financial statements to the authorities. Moreover, the financial statements also act as the reflection of your business performance. They can give you various insights on the effects of your past business decisions.
    • Profit and Loss Statement – a financial statement that compiles revenues and expenses incurred during a period.
    • Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) – a financial statement that shows the assets, the liabilities, and the equity of a business, which provides an insight to the financial condition of a business.
    • Statement of Changes in Equity – a financial statement that presents the movement of the owners’ equity over a specified period of time.
  4. Filing the Financial Statements and the Shareholder List(BOJ.5) to the Department of Business Development and the Revenue Department. 

Our Statutory Audit Service

Statutory audit is a legally required assessment to ensure that a business or an entity provides a fair and accurate representation of its financial position. In Thailand, businesses are required to submit statutory audited financial statements to the Department of Business Development and the Revenue Department. Failure to do so will result in penalties. Therefore, this service is necessary for your business to operate in Thailand.